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Blog Internazionale

Ian Morris

Just six months ago, in confident form and not looking at all like a man who would soon be out of work, David Cameron assured an audience in Hamburg that “I never want us to pull up the drawbridge and retreat from the world.”

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Gautam Mukunda

The UK is, without a doubt, the United States’ single most important ally. It retains an ability to project power globally vastly in excess of its relative size. In both direct military operations and the hidden world of intelligence, the UK contributes more than its share to global peace and stability and the successful functioning of the NATO alliance.

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Walter Frick

News of the United Kingdom’s vote to Leave the European Union shook financial markets Friday, and signaled the start of potentially years of economic uncertainty for Europe. What can policymakers do in response? I asked Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Previously, he was appointed by the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer to serve as an external member of the Bank of England’s rate-setting Monetary Policy Committee.

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Michael Watkins

Every year thousands of managers make transitions into new jobs. The actions that they and other new leaders take during their first few months have a big impact on their success or failure.

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Liz Wiseman

When you transition from team member to manager, you aren’t just moving to a higher league; you’re playing in an entirely new game. How do you avoid mistakes? By embracing your rookie status.

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Katy Tynan

Julie Long, a senior developer at a software company, was identified by her manager as a high performer. When she was asked to coordinate a team of three junior developers on a project, Julie was excited about the opportunity to finally move into a management role. However she quickly became frustrated. Things that were simple and easy for her were not getting done in a timely way by her team.

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Alexandra Samuel

When people talk about using social media to advance their careers, they’re usually talking about LinkedIn, Twitter, or maybe their blog. But the reality is that more people use Facebook than any other social network, which means that sooner or later, you need a Facebook strategy for your career.

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Feng Zhu

Email as we know it is changing—and so is Microsoft’s strategy for its cornerstone product, Outlook. Last week, the company announced partnerships with third-party companies to integrate additional functionalities—including those from Uber, Yelp, Evernote, PayPal, and Boomerang—into Outlook email.

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Alexandra Samuel

From the pressure to keep up with social media to the low-level irritation produced by a world in which something is always beeping or buzzing, technology can produce its own set of anxieties.

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Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Vacations are the things that dreams and cruise commercials are made of.

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